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Pasyale Buddaraja Kalkaya (400g)

Pasyale Buddaraja Kalkaya (400g)

Regular price 150,00 NOK
Regular price Sale price 150,00 NOK
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(SKU: LS421045AB) "Pasyale Buddaraja Kalka" appears to be an Ayurvedic herbal formulation. "Kalka" typically refers to a paste or powder made from finely ground herbs. "Buddaraja" may be a specific herb or a combination of herbs used in this formulation. However, without specific information on its ingredients and uses, it's challenging to provide detailed guidance. If you're considering using Pasyale Buddaraja Kalka or any other Ayurvedic remedy, it's essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual health condition, constitution, and any other factors relevant to your well-being.

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