Baobab Tree

Baobab tree, massive tree of the Adansonia Genus, native to tropical Africa and Arabia and grown in other warm regions. It is believed that the Baobab trees which had been planted by the Arab traders in some parts of Sri Lanka during the rule of the Portuguese (16th Century). Baobabs store water in the trunk to endure the harsh drought conditions. Shedding their leaves during the dry season. The tree produces large aromatic flowers up to seven inches wide. The fruit is one of the most nutrient-dense food in the world.

This huge ancient tree called “Perukku Maram” in Tamil is found in the Eastern section of Delft. It is believed that this tree would have been planted centuries ago by the Arabs. The bottom of the tree is very large in circumference. One in particular is unique as the trunk has a hollow large enough to walk into. Two men can stand abreast in the entrance.

Baobab Tree Baobab Tree Baobab Tree
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